Researcher - Ho Kee Chye 何启才

Research Fellow, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies

B.A. East Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya

M.A. Civilization Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya

PhD in history, Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, XIamen University


Ho Kee Chye obtained his B.A.(East Asian Studies) and M.A.(Civilization Studies) from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya in 2000 & 2008, and received his PhD in history from the Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University in 2016. His thesis "The Development and Impacts of the Left-wing Movement in Malaysia: A Case Study of the Communist Party of Malaya (1930-1989)", studies the history of Communist Party of Malaya and its impacts on the county. Previously, he worked as a researcher cum lecturer at a private college and currently as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (CMCS). His research interests include the history of the left-Wing movement in Malaysia and Malaysian Chinese studies. He has published a book in 2015, entitled “A Study on the History of Teochew Community of the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and Its Associations”.

何启才,马来亚大学东亚研究系毕业(2000), 马来亚大学文明研究所硕士(2008), 之后前往中国厦门大学南洋研究院进修, 于2016年获取历史学博士学位。他的博士论文《 马来西亚左翼运动的发展与影响——以马来亚共产党(1930- 1989)为例》 探讨了马来亚共产党的历史以及它对马来西亚的影响。 何启才曾在私立大专学院担任研究员兼讲师, 现为马来西亚华社研究中心的全职研究员。 他主要的研究方向为马来西亚左翼运动史和马来西亚华人研究, 编著有《潮迁东殖:马来西亚半岛东海岸潮州人移殖史与会馆史略》 (吉隆坡:华社研究中心,2015年)。

List of Publication
1. Ho Kee Chye (2017), synopsis and translated by Nagura Kyoko. “マレーシア華人のアイデンティティの変遷― あるマレーシア華人の家族史から―” (Transformation of Chinese Identity in Malaysia: A Brief History of a Malaysian Chinese Family), in 国際関係・比較文化研究(Journal of International Relations and Comparative Culture), Shizuoka, Japan: School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka, Volume 15, No.2, pp.75-89.
2. Ho Kee Chye (2015). Peranan Dong Jiao Zong dan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dalam Pendidikan Vernakular, in Ching Thing Ho (ed.), Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture, Kuala Lumpur: Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, Volume 3, No.2, pp.95-116.
3. Ho Kee Chye (2015), translated by Josh Hong. “Returning to Malaya: the Strategy and Significance of the Communist Party of Malaya's Southward Advance”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, London: Routledge, Volume 16, No. 1, pp.56-66.
4. Ho Kee Chye (2014). 《锡米山华人社区的形成与变迁初探》(A Preliminary Study of the Formation and Development of Chinese Community in Sungai Chuah), Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Vol.17, pp.25-39.