Researcher - Danny Wong Tze Ken 黄子坚

Professor, Department of History, UM

B. A. (Hons), University of Malaya (UM)

M. A., University of Malaya (UM)

Ph. D., University of Malaya (UM)


Tel No.: 03-79675560

Danny Wong Tze Ken works as a Professor of History at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, where he lectures on the history of Indochina and Southeast Asia. His research interests include the history of Champa, Sabah and Vietnam; in addition to the study of the Sabah and the Chinese communities in Malaysia. He was Visiting Lecturer at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1998); Visiting Scholar at Magdalene College, Cambridge University (2008); Visiting Professor at the Asia-Europe Institute (2008-2012); Visiting Professor at the Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University (2010) and Visiting Scholar at the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsinghua University (2010 & 2011). Currently, he also leads the University of Malaya Malaysian Chinese Research Group and acts as Director of the Center for Global Planning and Strategy, University of Malaya. His publications include: Spirit of Borneo (2009), The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century (2007),Historical Sabah: the Chinese (2005), Historical Sabah: Community and Society (2004), The Transformation of an Immigrant Society: a Study of the Chinese of Sabah (1998) and Vietnam-Malaysia Relations during the Cold War (1995).


黄子坚博士现为马来亚大学文学院的历史系教授,教授有关印度支那和东南亚的历史研究课程。他的研究兴趣不单包括占城、越南和沙巴的历史,也涵盖马来西亚沙巴的华人社群研究。1998年,他曾赴巴黎的社会科学高等学院担任客座讲师;2008年,赴英国剑桥大学的莫德林学院担任访问学者;2008年至2012年期间,在马大的欧亚学院担任客座教授;2010年,前往日本京都大学的地域研究综合信息中心任客座教授,以及2011年至2012年于台湾国立清华大学人文社会研究中心作访问学者。目前,他是马大马来西亚华人研究中心兼马大全球计划与战略中心的主任。主要著作有:Spirit of Borneo (2009), The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century (2007), Historical Sabah: the Chinese (2005), Historical Sabah: Community and Society (2004), The Transformation of an Immigrant Society: a Study of the Chinese of Sabah (1998) and Vietnam-Malaysia Relations during the Cold War (1995).